Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Facelift Is The New Rage In Plastic Surgery

"It's my 50th birthday. I do not mind aging but I wish to age beautifully" was the wish of Beverly Hills facelift patient, Clara who just turned 50 this year. "A facelift is what I am planning to consider", she exclaimed the moment she noticed those fine lines near her eyes! This feeling is a very common expression especially among women who believe that they should never compromise with their looks.

What Is Facelift Surgery?

Facelift or rhytidectomy is the best way to reverse the signs of aging. It is a surgical procedure to reduce wrinkles and improve the overall appearance of your face.

We have been using our facial muscles for many years to express ourselves. Due to their wear and tear, as we age, our skin starts losing its elasticity. As a result, what we are left with are wrinkles and sagging facial skin. During the procedure, the redundant fat deposits of your skin are removed and the muscles tightened to give you a youthful look.

Which Type Of Facelift Do You Want?

The number of people opting for this procedure has increased and it has become so popular that you now have different types to choose from. The types are:

* Standard face lift: This types firms up the lower jaw muscles of your face and neck. It removes the wrinkles and also raises the corners of your mouth.

* Mid face lift: This type targets the corners of your eyes, nose and mouth.

* Mini face lift: This is a new technique and it targets to correct your nose folds and neck.

* Thread face lift: This variety helps in reversing the early signs of aging. It corrects minor sagging. The main advantage of this variety is that it is not time consuming. It hardly takes an hour or two to complete the process.

Preparation Before Surgery

You need to follow certain things before undergoing this surgery. Two weeks prior, you need to stop smoking, taking certain medications and follow your surgeon's pre-surgery guidelines. You need to make sure that you have made arrangements for a good post-surgery care.

Understand the Possible Side-Effects

When you decide to go for any surgery, you need to be prepared for possible side-effects as well. Immediately after your surgery, you may find your face swollen. Do not worry as it is part of the healing process. The swelling will subside in some days when your body starts healing itself. Just like swelling, you may also notice some bruising and scarring. They will stay pink for some days and then start fading on their own as your body starts healing.

Beverly Hills facelift patient, Michelle, advises that patients make sure to ask your surgeon for a detailed explanation of the possible side-effects. She says it is always better to be prepared than be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Facelift for Men

Men are also flocking to cosmetic surgeons, because facelift surgery is not meant only for women. Men want to look handsome to compete with their beautiful better halves even as they turn old. The procedure and instructions stay the same for them. The only difference is the incision type. Since men have shorter hair, hiding the incision scars become a bit difficult as compared to women. So what are you waiting for? Get refreshed; look younger and relaxed by choosing to turn time back with facelift surgery.

Facelift Surgery Has Helped Women Look Younger

Facelift surgery has helped many women look youthful and also feel rested. However, as the saying goes, beauty is only skin-deep; as we age our skin tends to become loose and redundant.

Repetitive facial movements also contribute to signs of aging. Wrinkles start appearing, fine lines near the eyes start showing and as a result your overall face looks much older than you actually are. All this sounds scary, but you don't need to worry, because you can minimize these signs of aging with the help of a facelift.

Facelift surgery has helped many women age in a much beautiful way, as seen by the account of a 50-year old woman in Beverly Hills, "Facelift surgery has definitely given my self-esteem a boost. I love it when people tell me how 'rested' I look".

What To Expect?

Also known as rhytidectomy, in this procedure your surgeon will first examine your face to understand the brow placement, eyelid contours and so on. Following this, he/she will also determine the amount of band correction and fat redundancy needs to be addressed. Depending on the surgeon's observations, the necessary facial aesthetic corrections will be done.

The Surgery Process

Statistics have shown that more and more people are now opting for this procedure especially in Facelift is a procedure wherein incisions are made around your ears, hair-bearing scalp behind your ears, your sideburns and under your chin.

The facial fat is repositioned and the muscles are tightened. As a result, the redundant skin reduces. Along with this, the neck bands can also be corrected. The effects are not permanent and you may have to get it done again after a period of time.

What to Expect In the Recovery Period?

Post surgery, you will be given oral medicines and a cooling masks to help you decrease the pain. You may have to spend a day or two in the hospital after the procedure is done. Avoid performing any kind of strenuous activity for couple of weeks till your surgeon gives you a final nod.

You may feel a kind of tightness in your face at least for the first month. Normally usage of your facial muscles will ease this tightness eventually. The healing period may vary from individual to individual.

The only disadvantage with this procedure is that the scars do not disappear completely. They do fade over one or two years. Every surgery has its own pros and cons. As a Beverly Hills facelift patient shares, "Most of my friends like the results, and even people I did not know told me I look great. The healing process took longer than I thought, but the results are worth it".

Experts advise that we you all your doubts clarified before the surgery. Ask questions, know the possible risks involved from your surgeon before opting for this procedure.

With facelift surgery, it's easy to look young and look rested. Although this does involve a good amount of money and some pain, the ultimate result says it all. The only thing you need to choose well is your surgeon. It is important to approach the right surgeon to look better and boost your confidence to new highs.